Mancunians are passionate about a lot of things, but being fiercely proud of our city is probably right at the top of the list. We definitely don’t have time for smug, arrogant southerners thinking they’re better than us, which is exactly what one Londoner did in a poorly written article slagging off Manchester.
According to the bitter southern bastard, Manchester is a ‘crime-ridden blister with ideas above its station’.
Mike Peel / Wikimedia
The person in question starts their diatribe by claiming they’d worked and lived in Manchester for three years, adding: “thankfully I’m finally getting the hell out with a long awaited transfer back down to London.” They go on to say Manchester has the highest ‘rate of robbery in the UK and one of the highest in the western world’, and that ‘a house is burgled, a person mugged, and a car torched every few minutes of the day.’ Well that’s just absolute bollocks, and besides, they’re from London, where there is absolutely loads of crime.
David Dixon / Geograph
They continue: “Manchester has developed a few ugly tower blocks in its centre along with a tatty tram system and they suddenly think they are rivalling world cities such as London and Barcelona. It is laughable. “The city is ugly and soulless; violent crime and robbery are spiralling, and as ever, the streets are littered with cat shit and chippy wrappers, blowing around under grey skies.” You might think that they’d undergone some absolutely catastrophic experiences to make them feel this way, when in fact all that happened was they witnessed some people having a fight in town, they tried to use a cash machine but couldn’t because it was covered in vomit, had their car broken into, and had a bag nicked from the pub.
Pit-yacker / Wikimedia
They conclude by writing: “I can’t wait to get away from this nasty, chavvy blister of a mill town. They get loaded up on Eccles cakes and Boddingtons and become even more bitter and hateful.
“For fucks sake, don’t mention Liverpool in conversation (I’m an LFC supporter), they go fuckin berserk. Don’t mention being from London, or in fact, liking anywhere that isn’t Manchester. It’s a very dangerous and unfriendly place, full of ugly buildings, and an uber-super race of evil chav monsters.”
Who the fuck drinks Boddingtons?
You can have a gander at the full article here, but be warned, the person is an absolute whopper.