Food & Drink

Pub launches huge 100oz steak and customers get it for free if they can finish it

Know anyone who could take on this challenge?



An Oldham pub is dishing up a whopping 100oz steak for customers to attempt to finish – if they do, they’ll get it on the house. 

The Black Ladd pub in Shaw is serving the mammoth steak with a side of onion rings, mushrooms, tomatoes and chips, alongside lashings of garlic butter, all of which will need to be devoured in one sitting in one hour by one person only – yep, sharing is strictly forbidden in this challenge.

If the ambitious challengers are able to polish off the 6,000 calorie meal within the time limit, they’ll get it for free – otherwise, they’ll have to cough up £59.95. 

One person has already attempted to take on the huge steak, but despite his best efforts, he failed miserably and had to pay the hefty £59.95 sum, which covers the £40 cost of the steak and the staff costs.

Since posting about the challenge on social media, The Black Ladd pub has been inundated with phone calls from eager challengers from not just Greater Manchester, but the whole country, including locations like Cumbria, Stoke and even Scotland.

Social media users have also been blown away by the pictures of the challenge, with one person writing: “Man v food. Brilliant effort, well done.” 

Another commented: “That’s a big ask for anyone, fair play to anyone who does it!”

However, some people have criticised the pub for hosting the challenge, with many pointing out the blatant food waste and climate change issues.

One social media user wrote: “Anyone else thinking it’s an unnecessary waste of food? No one person needs to eat that much, this one portion could feed a number of people adequately but that’s not social media worthy I suppose.”

Another noted: “Sorry but I think this is obscene. I agree. A waste of meat and there are people starving in this country.”

Regardless of some people’s gripes, however, the challenge is still available for any of those willing to partake – for more information, you can head over to The Black Ladd’s website or give them a call on 01706 847551

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