Food & Drink

Tier 2 barman begs drinkers to only go to the pub if they are hungry 

‘Appalling food waste’



A barman working at a pub in tier 2 has shared full plates of food that was returned because people just want ‘two Morettis’.

The barman has begged customers to only go to the pub if they are actually hungry sharing a photo of the ‘appalling’ food waste.

Areas in tier 2 can open and serve alcoholic drinks alongside ‘substantial meals’. However, in a twitter thread, Will wanted to clear the rules up.

He wrote: “PUB GOERS. As a bar person in a Tier 2 pub, I’m going to attempt to explain the rules re drinking and eating, and how you can follow them if you want to support pubs, without making life needlessly difficult for staff.

“As I understand it, the idea behind the rules is to effectively turn pubs into restaurants, i.e. places you go to eat (with a drink) rather than drink (possibly with food), the rationale being to discourage people from getting p***ed and neglecting to follow the other rules AND to prevent people hanging around in pubs all evening, increasing the risk of exposure.

“As such, it is not (or shouldn’t be) that food entitles you to drink as normal. Rather, as long as you are eating, you can also have drinks as part of the meal.”

He added that: “If you’re desperate to go to/support a pub, go when you’re hungry.

“Aside from the appalling food waste I’ve witnessed over the last two days (scraping whole meals, untouched, into the bin because the people who bought them fancied one pint before catching the train home), you really should be actually eating in order to be able to enjoy alcoholic drinks.

“While I can sort of see the rationale behind the rules, they’re horribly vague and put bar staff in a difficult position.

“Each pub will interpret the rules differently. Accept it. Please…”

He added: “Don’t put pressure on staff to bend the rules/lose your temper for enforcing them (looking at you, regulars).

“The rules *sort of* make sense when followed correctly, but they are also quite dumb and are making things needlessly difficult for pubs.”

The thread concluded: “Pls help make things easier.” 

Although Manchester remains in tier 3, the majority of the UK has been placed under the tier 2 restrictions. 

In a series of later tweets, Will cleared up that while he ‘understands peo[le’s frustration at the rules’, ‘hospitality workers have no choice but to enforce’ them. 

He explained: “All these tweets are asking for is for co-operation”

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