Some supermarkets have updated how people pay for fuel at their petrol forecourts, leading to confusion among motorists. Asda, Tesco and Morrisons are among the supermarkets who have updated their payment rules, with people now required to leave a £99 pre-authorisation payment. All Pay at Pump transactions were previously authorised with a £1 transaction from the customer’s card issuer, before taking payment for the fuel over the following 1-3 days, the Liverpool Echo reports.
@Rodhullandemu / Wikimedia Commons
However, new rules brought in by Visa and Mastercard last year means the hold payment has increased dramatically to £99 – as a result your bank can create a temporary hold of up to £99 while you fill your vehicle up. The actual amount is then deducted from your account and the pre-authorised sum cancelled, once the translation is complete. Some supermarkets were quick to implement these changes, but others are only just starting to trial the updated charges, leaving some drivers confused and angry.
N Chadwick / Geograph
This is what Asda, Tesco and Morrisons had to say about the changes:
The supermarket is currently updating the rules of its petrol forecourt, to include the £99 pre-authorisation payment. According to Asda: “On completing the transaction, the actual amount is deducted immediately from your account and the pre-authorised amount is immediately cancelled.
“The solution makes it easier for you to keep control of your finances when you pay for your petrol at the pump, however, if an issue does arise you should first contact the bank that issued your card.”
Peter McDermott / Geograph
According to Tesco, they are currently trialling the £99 hold payment at its petrol stations.
Tesco said: “We are currently trialling this change in selected locations. So you may find this payment change happens at one petrol station but not at another.
“If you have a problem with a payment, please contact your bank that issued the card, as this new payment rule is not under our control.
“There may be a small number of occasions where your card issuer doesn’t update your balance in real-time.
“We’ll only ever charge you for the value of the fuel you’ve purchased, but if you do have concerns, please talk to your bank for further details.”
Rept0n1x / Wikimedia
Morrisons adopted the card charge way back in November 2021.
According to the supermarket: “Under new rules, implemented by Mastercard and Visa, we must now request authorisation from your card issuer for up to £100.
“Don’t worry – once you’ve finished filling up, the final transaction amount is sent to your card issuer.
“We will only charge you for the value of the fuel you’ve actually purchased, the remainder of your pre-authorisation amount will be released without charge.”