
Boris Johnson confirms there will be no lockdown or further restrictions

The Prime Minister stressed that people still need to proceed with the ‘utmost caution’



Downing Street

Boris Johnson has confirmed that there will be no lockdown or further restrictions implemented as Omicron cases continue to rise.

Despite over 200,000 new Covid cases been recorded this week, the Prime Minister has said he will be maintaining the Plan B measures currently in place with no new restrictions.

However, he added that anyone who thinks the pandemic is over is ‘profoundly wrong’, saying people still need to proceed with the ‘utmost caution’.

Addressing the nation in a press conference this evening, Johnson said: “Anyone who thinks our battle with Covid is over I’m afraid is profoundly wrong… But our position today differs from previous waves in two crucial respects.

Number 10 / Flickr

“We now know that omicron is mild… This is not yet translating into the same numbers needing intensive care that we saw in previous ways.

“Thanks to the effort to get Britain boosted, we now have a substantial level of protection, higher than any of our European neighbours.

“Together with the Plan B measures that we introduced before Christmas, we have a chance to ride out this omicron wave without shutting down our country once again. We can keep our schools and businesses open and we can find a way to live with this virus.

“But the weeks ahead are going to be challenging, both here and around the world.”

Johnson then announced that 100,000 key workers across the Border Force, food supply and other vital areas will be sent receive daily lateral flow tests from next Monday (January 10th), while calls have gone out to retired teachers.

Onsite Nightingale hospitals are also being built in addition to 2,500 ‘virtual beds’ where people can be safely treated at home.

The Prime Minister said: “We’re working to identify those NHS trusts that are most likely to need actual military support, so that can be prepared.

“As our NHS moves to a war footing I will be recommending to Cabinet tomorrow that we continue with Plan B. Because the public have responded and changed their behaviour – changed your behaviour – buying valuable time to get boosters in arms.”

Number 10 / Flickr

Johnson also urged people to continue getting vaccinated, to work from home if they can, to wear face coverings and to take tests before meeting the elderly and vulnerable.

He said: “Above all, if you haven’t already done so, please, please, get that booster.

“But there are almost nine million people eligible who have not had their booster, and it is absolutely heartbreaking that up to 90% of those in intensive care with Covid have not had a booster, and up to 60%  have not had any vaccine at all.

“People are dying needlessly because they haven’t had their jabs and they haven’t had their booster.”

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