
Boris Johnson issues warning to anyone planning on going to the pub this weekend

Urging the public to be ‘safe’.



Boris Johnson has issued a warning to pub-goers this weekend at this Friday’s Downing Street press conference. 

It comes as this weekend sees the biggest easing of lockdown, with the reopening of the hospitality industry such as pubs, restaurants, bars and cafes. 

The Prime Minister addressed the country on Friday’s Downing Street press conference urging the public to act safely. 

At the briefing, Mr Johnson urged the public to act responsibly as lockdown restrictions are lifted this weekend.

He said: “I know everyone will be looking forward to the relaxation of national restrictions. Businesses have put in a heroic effect to prepare their venues for this reopening, to work out a way to trade which keeps customers safe. “

“The success of these businesses and economic health of the country is dependent on every single one of us acting responsibly.

“We must not let them down. Lockdown only succeeded in controlling the virus because everyone worked together. We will only succeed in reopening if everyone works together again.

“We are not out of the woods yet.”

Seth Weisfeld/Unsplash

Venues will be monitoring and limiting numbers with many opening up new areas outside. Most places are also operating with a pre-booking system and in some cases, ordering via apps and paying contactless.

You can see a list of the restaurants opening in Manchester this weekend here.

The Prime Minister warned that if the public don’t adhere to social distancing guidelines sensibly, then the government ‘won’t hesitate’ to reintroduce strict measures.

He said: “If it starts running out of control again – this Government will not hesitate in putting on the breaks and reimposing restrictions.

“Anyone who flouts social distancing is not only putting us all at risk but letting down businesses and workers.

“As we take this next step – our biggest step on our road to recovery – I urge the British people to do so safely.”

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