
‘Brutal’ cold sweeping across UK that ‘lasts for weeks’

People have said it ‘feels worse’ than the usual winter bugs



PxHere / stock photo & Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

A nasty cold virus is sweeping across the UK and it’s leaving sufferers feeling ill for weeks.

Winter is here and the countdown to Christmas is on, but what would the festive season be without the fear of catching a seasonal bug and it ruining any plans you have over the coming weeks?

According to reports, a nasty virus is going about and sufferers have reported symptoms including fever, aches, chills, headaches, blocked noses, coughs and extreme fatigue. 

Not only does it come with a list of rather unpleasant symptoms, it is also being said to go on and on, leaving those affected housebound for weeks.

PxHere / stock photo

Those who have had the pleasure of experiencing the brutal cold have taken to Reddit to spread the word – and hopefully not the virus.

In a thread on social media site Reddit, one person wrote: “Just coming off the back end of a brutal cold that’s lasted about 3 weeks, during which my sinuses have been almost completely closed, relaxing only for brief periods while also producing mucus at an alarming rate.

“Emerging from my bed this morning, I could breathe through my nose again. I could smell things.

“It still feels like somebody poured Ready Brek into the back of my face, but it’s finally over and life is beautiful again.”

Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Another who also caught the nasty cold said they were still housebound the following week, as they said: “I caught it in October, I was bedridden for days and then spent another week housebound, constantly looking at my phone to see if it had been 4 hours since my last dose of paracetamol.”

They went on to add how it felt ‘worse than any winter bug I’d had before 2020’.

A third person also felt the lasting effects saying: “It’s been a total b******, had me in bed for a couple of days and feeling s*** for a couple of weeks now.

“I can totally recommend Otrivine nasal spray for the blocked nose/sinus bit though.”

Dave Deploige / Wikimedia

Another added: “Currently on day 5 of it. . Feel absolutely lousy. So much mucus it’s ridiculous. Already feeling anxious about having to call in sick again tomorrow but I refuse to go back to work until I’m well enough.

“Won’t get thanked for going in and certainly won’t get thanked by colleagues if I spread this around. Just hoping I’m all clear for Christmas. Get well soon everyone.”

However, experts are saying there is no evidence to suggest that viruses which cause colds are any more severe than they were pre-pandemic. 

One reason may be because we’ve forgotten how rotten they really can make us feel after not catching them as much throughout the Covid lockdowns, social distancing and wearing face masks.

Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Speaking to ABC News in February, Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University, said: “All of us have forgotten about what common colds used to be like, and we’re getting them now again.

Lack of exposure to viruses that cause cold symptoms may also be playing a role. People who haven’t had a cold in a while won’t have as much immunity to viruses, Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, professor of medicine and infectious disease specialist at UCSF, also told the publication.

“Lack of exposure to viruses over time might make a cold seem much worse than before, because you haven’t been exposed a little bit along the way,” he said.

The NHS’s advice for sufferers of a winter cold virus is to get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. You can also drink a hot lemon with honey to help soothe a sore throat.

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