
Councillor describes this weekend’s anti-lockdown protest as ‘two fingers up’ to those who have died 

Hundreds gathered in protest of lockdown.



geggygaulls & 1BJDJ/Twitter

Hundreds of people gathered for an ‘anti-lockdown’ protest this weekend in Manchester Piccadilly Gardens. 

Demonstrators held placards of ‘anti-lockdown sentiments’ and marched peacefully, however, no arrests have been made yet.

The large protest has been organised by personal trainer Paul Boys, whose name you might recognise from a similar event he organised early November. At the last event, Boys was fined £10,000, a further 25 £200 fines were also issued on the day.

The ‘Rise Up Manchester’ protest comes as violent clashes between anti-lockdown protestors and police occurred across the country following the implementation of the new tier system. 

People at the protest can be seen packed together, unable to social distance and most not wearing masks. 

One man was escorted away from the protest after he flew a drone around the area. 

The police confirmed they knew of the event, that police officers were in attendance and that they had engaged with the organiser and encourage them to remain compliant with government restrictions before the event took place.

Mr Boys encouraged people to attend the March on Instagram with a statement that read: “So tomorrow we unite, we stand for the freedom to choose, we stand for democracy, we stand for those that have lots livelihoods and loved ones.

“Most importantly we stand united for the future of our children.

“I have been told that GMP greater Manchester police wish us well and want to work with us to ensure our peaceful gathering goes smoothly.”

Manchester City Councillor, Pat Karney tweeted yesterday” “Hoax Virus and Anti Vaccine Gathering marching down Market St full of Christmas Shoppers,

“Totally dangerous and irresponsible.Two fingers up to the 60 000 people who have died and the doctors and nurses who tried to save their lives.”

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