
Drivers parking on pavements risk £70 fines under new proposed law change

Cars parked on pavements without double yellows could even be hit with fines under the new law



Phil Champion & Paul Sableman / Flickr

All UK drivers parking on pavements could be slapped with hefty fines under a proposed law change.

An ongoing consultation is taking place in England and Wales which, if passed into law, would give councils the power to hand down fixed penalty notices to drivers who park their vehicles on pavements.

This will apply to those parking on the street, even if there are no double yellow lines.

And even if drivers choose to park on a pavement to avoid blocking a narrow road or simply for convenience if they don’t have a private parking space, they could still risk the £70 fine.

Alan Stanton / Flickr

The new law has been proposed to make footpaths unblocked and free for the use of pedestrians, despite the inconvenience it may cause drivers.

When the footpath becomes blocked by vehicles, pedestrians might have to use the road in order to get past, something that has been deemed a massive safety risk.

The issue can be particularly dangerous for children and those with disabilities, too.

Read More: Drivers warned of ‘confusing and dangerous’ Highway Code rule change that comes in next month

Alex Kindred, car insurance expert at, told the Manchester Evening News: “What may seem a small inconvenience to some, might be a huge hindrance to others.

“But it’s important to remember that pavements are there for the use and safety of pedestrians only, and therefore should be respected by all other road users.

“However, without a clearer understanding of the law around pavement parking, it’ll be hard to implement fines to drivers who break the rules.


“The current laws around pavement parking can be quite confusing, which is why it’s difficult at times to prosecute drivers.

“With consultations ongoing for England and Wales, with Scotland already pioneering the way to make a big change, drivers should be wary that changes could come into force sooner rather than later.

“Councils will be given a bigger responsibility and penalty charges could be issued.

“The laws around parking on pavements is just one of many new driving laws coming into effect this year, with road user safety at the forefront of each.”

This comes as the Highway Code changed a number of rules to give pedestrians and cyclists priority on all UK roads. 

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