
Exhausted beefeaters seen taking a break from guarding Queen’s coffin in rare photos

A rare behind-the-scenes look



@DefenceHQ / Twitter

In a rare behind-the-scenes look, a series of photos have been released showing beefeaters taking a well-earned rest from guarding the Queen’s coffin.

The beefeaters, or Yeoman Warders, have been working six-hour long shifts protecting Her Majesty’s coffin as it lay in state.

The photographs show some of the Royal Guards having a rest during one of their 20-minute breaks on shift at Westminster Hall.

@DefenceHQ / Twitter

The beefeaters have been sticking to a tight 24-hour schedule standing guard, alongside the Gentlemen at Arms and the Royal Company of Archers.

The Ministry of Defence shared the photos on Twitter, as a way of ‘honouring’ the beefeater’s service to the Queen.

The MoD wrote: “The UK Armed Forces are continuing to honour their Commander-in-Chief of 70 years, Her Majesty The Queen, as they stand vigil alongside The King’s Body Guard.”

A Twitter user commended the work of the ceremonial guardians, saying: “Thank you for your service. We have been thinking about you.”

Another added: “Amazing experience made possible by these amazing people. Thanks for making it possible for me to say farewell to my beloved Queen.”

The Queen’s funeral is taking place in Westminster Abbey this morning, Monday September 19th – full details here.


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