
Experts identify eight main symptoms of Omicron and when you might experience them

Experts have said there are eight key symptoms to be looking out for



Wikimedia Commons & @john_cameron / Unsplash

Experts have identified the eight core symptoms of the Omicron variant of Covid and when you’ll be likely to experience them. 

The new variant, which is believed to have originated in South Africa, has spread like wildfire across the UK throughout the past month, sadly foiling the Christmas plans of thousands.

Yet despite its high transmission rates, Omicron doesn’t appear to be as dangerous as former Covid variants, though it can still make some people seriously unwell.

@john_cameron / Unsplash

So, what kind of symptoms should you be looking out for with the Omicron variant?

Unlike the original strain of Covid, which carries three main symptoms – a new and continuous cough, a fever and a loss of taste and smell – Omicron has up to eight key symptoms to be looking out for.

Many have compared Omicron to the common cold, with a runny nose and a sore and scratchy throat being two of the most common ailments reported.

But there are many more symptoms you need to be looking out for, according to data from the UK, the US and South Africa. They are:

  • Scratchy throat
  • Lower back pain
  • Runny nose/congestion
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • Night sweats
  • Body aches

Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

While these symptoms tend to appear two days after infection, some people won’t begin presenting them until up to fourteen days after exposure, which is why those who have been exposed to the virus should continue to test themselves regularly.

This comes after a report claimed Boris Johnson will not be bringing in any further Covid restrictions this week as Omicron continues to spread.

A Number 10 spokesperson said: “At the moment, we don’t see any data that suggests further restrictions would be the right approach – given we know it’s important to strike the right balance between lives and livelihoods.

“We believe this [Plan B] is the right course – asking people to work from home, use the Covid pass and of course the booster programme.”

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