
Keir Starmer says Boris Johnson misled parliament four times as MPs prepare to vote on ‘partygate’

MPs are set to vote on whether Boris Johnson’s lockdown party misconduct should be investigated further



Number 10 / Flickr & Parliament TV

Sir Keir Starmer has given examples of Boris Johnson misleading parliament on four separate occasions as MPs prepare to vote on the Prime Minister’s ‘partygate’ misconduct.

For the first time, the opposition leader has given four examples of where he believes Johnson misled MPs over the infamous lockdown party scandal, when he told them no rules had been broken.

The motion tabled today by the Labour leader will be debated tomorrow before MPs vote on whether to refer the matter to a committee for further investigation.

The proposal cites four specific examples from PMQs in December last year where Johnson’s comments have been proven to not be accurate.

The examples outlined in Starmer’s motion are as follows:

  • December 1st 2021: ‘All guidance was followed in No. 10’.
  • December 8th 2021: ‘I have been repeatedly assured since these allegations emerged that there was no party and that no Covid rules were broken’.
  • December 8th 2021: ‘I am sickened myself and furious about that, but I repeat what I have said to him; I have been repeatedly assured that the rules were not broken’.
  • December 8th 2021: ‘The guidance was followed and the rules were followed at all times’.

Starmer today said he hoped tomorrow’s vote will restore ‘decency, honesty and integrity into our politics’ as the Met Police continue to investigate Downing Street officials for attending parties and gatherings during the 2020 lockdowns. 

The Labour leader’s spokesperson has warned there will be a ‘price’ for Conservative MPs who attempt to block a probe into Johnson’s alleged lies.

The spokesperson said, as per The Mirror: “Anyone who doesn’t support our motion is sending a message that they don’t believe honesty and integrity matters in public life.

“Conservative MPs should vote with their conscience and vote for this to be investigated… Conservative MPs believe there’s one rule for the government and one rule for everyone else.”

Only one Tory MP has so far publicly condemned Johnson’s actions; Mark Harper criticised the Prime Minister in the commons yesterday where he said he did not feel he was ‘worthy’ of running the country.

MPs will vote tomorrow, Thursday April 21st, on whether to refer Boris Johnson for a formal parliamentary investigation into whether or not he misled them about his knowledge of lockdown-breaking parties.

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