
Kwasi Kwarteng reportedly said ‘who cares if Sterling crashes?’ after Brexit

This comes as Labour overtakes the Conservatives in a new opinion poll for the first time in 20 years



Policy Exchange / Wikimedia Commons

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng said ‘who cares if Sterling crashes?’ in the aftermath of the Brexit referendum, a new report is claiming today.

The then-Tory backbencher, who publicly backed the Leave campaign, was heard making the comment outside of private members club Groucho Club in Soho, London, the Evening Standard claims. 

In her Londoner’s Diary column for the Evening Standard, journalist Joy Lo Dico said she found Kwarteng with ‘his white shirt hanging out of his trousers’ and talking ‘feverishly’ into his phone after the Brexit result in 2016.

Dico says she then overheard the Brexiteer saying: “Who cares if Sterling crashes? It will come back up again.”

This revelation comes as Labour overtakes the Conservatives in the latest YouGov poll as the pound hits an all-time low.

With the fallout of the tax-slashing budget still unfolding, Labour has opened up a seventeen-point lead over the Tories – the party’s biggest poll lead in over twenty years. 

According to YouGov, Conservative support has dropped by four points to 28% in the wake of the budget, while Labour’s has surged by five points to 45%.

The Lib Dems remain unchanged on 8%.

Sir Keir Starmer is set to deliver his keynote speech at Labour’s conference in Liverpool today, with him expected to promise to get the UK ‘out of this endless cycle of crisis’.

Starmer is expected to say: “What we’ve seen from the government in the past few days has no precedent. They’ve lost control of the British economy – and for what? For tax cuts for the richest one per cent in our society.”

The party has also pledged to bring the nation’s railways back into state ownership if it wins the next general election, as well as hire ‘thousands’ of NHS doctors and nurses. 

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