
Met Police launches criminal investigation into Number 10 parties




Sky News

The Metropolitan Police has launched a criminal investigation into the Number 10 parties during the 2020 lockdown, it has been announced today.

The force will be investigating ‘a number’ of incidences over the last two years in Downing Street and Whitehall, Met Police Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick said in a press conference today.

She says the criteria for investigating past breaches of Covid rules has been met thanks to information provided by the Cabinet Office along with the force’s own officers.

Number 10 / Flickr

The criteria is:

  • Evidence that people knew or ought to have known what they were doing was an offense.
  • Not investigating would significantly undermine the legitimacy of the law
  • Little ambiguity around absence of any reasonable defence

Commissioner Dick added that Downing Street police may also be looked at as part of the force’s investigation, saying: “There are a number of officers posted in the surrounds of Downing Street… They have a very clear role and that is to protect security.

“In relation to anything they may have seen or heard or done or not done, again, I’m afraid I am not prepared to comment but I can assure you that we are carrying out our investigations and if that’s a relevant matter we will find out about that.”

She then insisted that the Met ‘police without fear or favour’ when challenged about why Scotland Yard hasn’t yet investigated the numerous reports of Number 10 parties.

Commissioner Dick added: “I absolutely understand there is deep public concern about the allegations that have been in the media over the last several weeks.

“Many many people including many Londoners, and indeed my colleagues have made huge sacrifices and they’ve suffered considerable loss during the pandemic.”

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