
Supermarkets are reintroducing limits on some products to stop panic buying

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John Cameron & Wesley Tingey/Unsplash

Rationing on essential items in supermarkets has begun again. 

In attempts to avoid a part two of the Lockdown Toilet Roll Fiasco we’re all still mentally scarred from, some supermarkets have reintroduced rationing on a number of products in England. 

Tesco is now limiting purchasing on flour, dried pasta, toilet roll, baby wipes and anti-bacterial wipes to a maximum of three per customer.

There are additional limits on items such as rice and tinned goods online. 

Erik Mclean/Unsplash

A spokesperson for Tesco told Mirror Money: “We have good availability, with plenty of stock to go round, and we would encourage our customers to shop as normal.

“To ensure that everyone can keep buying what they need, we have introduced bulk-buy limits on a small number of products.”

Morrisons became the first of the supermarket chains to reinstate rationing earlier this week, placing a purchase limit of three on essentials.

Toilet roll, hand sanitiser, soap, most cleaning products, kitchen roll and Calpol all currently have purchase limits on them. 

Aldi’s chief executive has also released a statement to customers stating: “There is no need to buy more than you usually would. I would like to reassure you that our stores remain fully stocked and ask that you continue to shop considerately.”

Head of Retail at the law firm Gordons, Andy Brian, told the Guardian: “Hopefully, shoppers will adopt a calmer approach than earlier in the year, and continue to shop as normal.”

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