
Teachers and police officers set to be prioritised for vaccine after over-50s

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Frontline key workers are set to be prioritised for the vaccine after the over-50s have been offered their jab, according to reports today.

Teachers, police officers and other key workers will be bumped up the priority list for the Covid vaccine, according to the Telegraph.

These groups are set to be offered the vaccine after the first nine priority groups, with the aim of reducing transmission so society can start reopening.

gmpolice / Twitter

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is the group which decides who gets priority during the coronavirus vaccine rollout.

Later this month they are set to publish guidance about who the next groups to receive the jab will be, with the announcement expected during the week of February 22nd.

Whitehall sources are expecting key workers to be placed among the top priority groups, which will include the likes of teachers and police officers.

Taylor Wilcox/Unsplash

An unnamed government source told the Telegraph: “The JCVI will need to see the latest data on transmission before they make their recommendations, but we have been clear that there are two things – firstly protecting those most at risk of hospitalisation overall, largely as a result of age, which is what the first cohorts cover, and then looking at those whose roles increase their risk.

“The transmission data will inform the exact recommendations, but it is clear that teachers and police will be given early priority.”

As it stands, the UK is on course to meet the first target for the four most vulnerable groups, and will have them vaccinated by mid-Feb, with those aged between 50 and 69 set to be next.

It’s predicted that everyone over 50 will have been offered their first jab by the end of April if the programme continues at its current rate.

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