
Co-op launches ‘gravy flavoured Wotsits’ in time for the festive season

Because is there anything else quite as sensational as crisps and gravy?



Co Op

The crisp-gravy hybrid we never knew we needed has arrived in the form of ‘gravy flavoured Wotsits’ just in time for Christmas.

Now, there’s no denying that the wonderfully cheesy maize crisps are already in a superior league of their own (sorry, Quavers), but Co-op’s new take on the snack could be a very strong contender.

New to the supermarket just in time for Christmas, the revolutionary ‘Gravy Puffs’ have been described as ‘light maize crisps that will really satisfy those who love gravy on their Christmas dinner.’

Co Op

Crisp and gravy fanatics can pick up a sharing bag in Co-op for just £1 and, better yet, they’re vegan! So everyone can get in on the action, regardless of their dietary requirements.

The supermarket has also launched its’ Irresistible Hog Roast Crisps,’ which encapsulate ‘the smells and tastes of the Christmas markets’ thanks to the meaty pork, sage and apple stuffing flavour.

An utterly legendary move from Co-op, if you ask me.

But this crisp selection isn’t the only festive treat our supermarkets are bringing to us to this year; earlier this month, Heinz unveiled its somewhat controversial Christmas Dinner Big Soup, which was quickly branded as a ‘Christmas Dinner in a tin’ by unimpressed critics.

Co Op

In something that surprisingly isn’t a publicity stunt, the Big Soup Christmas Dinner consists of all the things you love to see on your plate on the big day – pigs in blankets, ‘big chunks’ of turkey, Brussel sprouts, sage and onion stuffing, roast potatoes, red cabbage, gravy, and cranberry sauce.

Only this time, they’re all crammed into an aluminium tin and will be ready to eat after just a couple of minutes in the microwave. Think of the washing up you’d save!

Heinz also announced that it was bringing back its wide range of festive gifts including ketchup crackers, baked beans baubles, a festive jumper and personalised bottles of tomato sauce. Yep, Christmas 2021 is going to be a big one.

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