
Iceland launches world’s first dedicated air fryer aisle

Food items come with air fryer cooking instructions




Frozen food supermarket chain Iceland has launched an aisle dedicated to air fryer foods in a world first.

The move comes after more than 50% of Brits have reported they use the cooking appliance — reportedly cheaper to run during a cost of living crisis — several times a week.

The new dedicated aisle will include 287 items that can be cooked in the easy-to-use air fryer, such as Greggs sausage rolls, cod fillets, chicken fillets and Aunt Bessie’s Bacon Chicken Crown.


According to the frozen goods giant, the new aisle will be piloted running from June 19th – June 25th at London’s Charlton outlet.

Latest research conducted by Utilita Energy revealed that households who mainly over cook can make the switch to more energy efficient appliances and make a whopping £202 saving.

Meanwhile, switching from oven cooking to an air fryer could see an annual saving of £80.50. In a poll, the energy firm also found that 72% of Brits would like to see air fryer cooking instructions included on food packaging.

Willis Lam / Wikimedia

Iceland has started adding cooking instructions for air fryer usage on its packaging following its pledge to update cooking methods along with energy saving instructions.

Richard Walker, Executive Chairman of Iceland Foods, said: “We pride ourselves on knowing exactly what our customers coming through our store doors are looking for, matching their changing shopping trends with fresh ideas.

“Introducing the world’s first air fryer aisle at our Food Warehouse is another exciting example. As the popularity of air fryer cooking grows, this aisle will give customers easy access to products that work perfectly in this time and energy saving cooking appliance.”

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