The new law will see adults who arrange child marriages face up to seven years in prison
It turns out those empty packets littering the footwell aren't as innocent as you once thought...
Between 2005 - 2011, Sara Rowbotham made nearly 200 referrals detailing the sexual abuse and grooming of young people
The plans come as part of the government's pledge to make England a 'smoke free nation' by 2030
Research has found that 75.8% of girls in the UK have been sent unsolicited nude images of boys or men
Cars parked on pavements without double yellows could even be hit with fines under the new law
The new law will help bereaved families involved in large scale legal proceedings and inquests
The new law will make it a criminal offence to fake a Covid vaccination status or test
After moving into the property that resembled 'a building site', Jack decided to build a case against his landlord
Richard started the petition following the death of his Labrador puppy Reggie