Aldi fans are in hysterics after spotting the famous Cuthbert the Caterpillar being arrested in the new Christmas advert.
Now, as most of you will remember, Aldi was slapped with a highly-publicised trademark lawsuit by M&S in April after they noticed the resemblance between Cuthbert the Caterpillar and their own Colin the Caterpillar cake was a little too uncanny.
Instead of bringing an end to Cuthbert the Caterpillar, however, the lawsuit couldn’t have provided better publicity for Aldi, with Cuthbert being brought into the spotlight like never before.
So, of course, it was only right that the supermarket chain immortalise Cuthbert in their 2021 Christmas advert… Though he wasn’t depicted as having the best time.
As the new character Ebanana Scrooge was shown walking down the street and knocking the heads off snowmen, poor Cuthbert could be seen being handcuffed led away by what resembles two uniformed lemons (or Brussel sprouts, I couldn’t decide).
And, after watching the advert for the twentieth time, it became clear that Cuthbert was right there under the opening credits. How did we miss this?!
Of course, social media users have been relishing in the comical addition to the otherwise heartwarming advert, with one person writing: “Aldi wins the Christmas advert war, just for Cuthbert’s cameo – being carted off in handcuffs”.
Another added: “Howling at Cuthbert in the @AldiUK advert! Well played Aldi, well played.”
I’ve got a lot of time for Cuthbert the Caterpillar getting arrested in the background of the new Aldi Christmas ad.
The advert, which has taken inspiration from Charles Dickens’ festive classic A Christmas Carol, also features a brief cameo from Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford – or Marcus ‘Radishford’ – who has partnered with the supermarket to provide free meals for 1.8 million families over the festive period.
Two peas (or, again, Brussel sprouts) are seen packing up a delivery when they point out, “Look! There’s Marcus Radishford! He’s always helping children,” to which the radish version of the footballer calls out, “Merry Christmas Kevin!”
The advert ends with Ebanana finally embracing the spirit of Christmas, and closes with the resounding quote: “The moral of the story? The answer you’ll find, for you to be happy, you need to be kind.”