
Alice Cooper spotted in Affleck’s buying a t-shirt for Johnny Depp

It was only after Alice Cooper left that Jack realised who ‘Johnny’ was



Olea / Wikimedia & Jack Parkinson

The owner of an independent clothes shop in Affleck’s Palace was stunned as he looked up to see Alice Cooper walk in and then buy one of his t-shirts.

Jack Parkinson, owner of Modern Streets Apparel, was among the independent traders at the iconic indoor shopping destination who was shocked to notice rock royalty Alice Cooper pop into his store.

He said it was ‘just a regular Saturday morning’ (July 8th) printing clothing items ‘until it took an unbelievable turn’ for the better.

The legendary singer was spotted around Manchester during the day, before he performed at the AO Arena on Saturday evening with his super group Hollywood Vampires – which actor Johnny Depp and Aerosmith’s Joe Perry are also members of – as part of their European tour.

Jack Parkinson

Jack said: “It was probably half 11ish, maybe 12. I was just kind of in the shop, printing. We print everything at the back of the shop so the public can see.

“So, I’m just busy doing my thing and I see this guy and I think ‘he kind of looks familiar’. Like, ‘is that Alice Cooper?’, you see it but you don’t believe it.”

Jack couldn’t believe his eyes as he wondered why THE Alice Cooper would be in his shop.

He continued: “I just kind of ignored it but then I heard the accents of the people he was travelling with. So I go, ‘are you guys on holiday?’ and the girl who was with them just goes, ‘oh no, we’re on tour’ and she looked over her shoulder towards Alice Cooper.

Jack Parkinson

“At that point I realised it was actually him and I just couldn’t do anything. I didn’t want to make a scene of it and we’ve had a few people in before. I just assumed he was on a family trip and thought I’m just gonna let them shop and do their thing.

“He spotted a top that said ‘all my friends are dead’ and he said, ‘I love those. Johnny would love those, it’s like a running joke of ours.’

“He asked about some shorts but we didn’t have the size because it had been discontinued, so I showed him the same design on a t-shirt.

He was like, ‘yes, we need that. Absolutely. Perfect.’ So yeah, he took two of those.”

Jack Parkinson

Jack said the glam rock star hung around the shop — which he opened last October — while he was printing their t-shirts, but crowds of fans began to gather around so he invited people in to have some photos taken.

It wasn’t until Alice Cooper left that it dawned on Jack what had just happened and who ‘Johnny’ was that he was buying a t-shirt for.

He said: “To be honest, I think the time that he was in the shop, I felt like I was serving a regular customer because he was just so normal, you know.

“It was his conversation and he was asking questions about the brand and the process of printing, and was just really nice to be honest. 

Olea / Wikimedia

“It was only when he was gone that it dawned on me that it was only THE Alice Cooper in the shop himself and he was buying this particular t-shirt for Johnny Depp — because he’s obviously the guitarist for the Hollywood Vampires group.

“And so yeah, it was a little bit surreal. When he left, I was like, ‘what just happened? What just happened?’”

Jack offered to give him the t-shirts for free but Alice Cooper insisted on paying, saying he likes to support local businesses.

Jack said: “He was adamant on paying. He said he likes to support small businesses when he’s on the road, which was nice. He said he doesn’t want to spend his time in hotel rooms, he wants to get out and see and see the world, visit small businesses, explore and stuff.”


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