
ANOTHER lorry has got stuck under infamous Greater Manchester bridge

The bridge ironically bears a large ‘low bridge’ sign, too…



@1878Scotto / Twitter & Google Maps

Another vehicle believed to be at least the fifth this year has found itself wedged beneath a notorious bridge in Wigan this week.

Motorists were advised to avoid Prescott Street last night (Wednesday September 28th), when the driver of a high-sided vehicle found themselves wedged beneath a bridge.

The bridge has earned itself quite the reputation among drivers in the town thanks to its deceptively low parapet.

Over the years, a number of vans and lorries have wound up wedged under the bridge – at least once a month, according to one resident – which ironically features a bold ‘LOW BRIDGE’ sign on both sides. 

Speaking of last night’s most recent incident, an onlooker told local media: “I’m not really sure what the authorities can do short of digging a ditch under the bridge to make it so taller vehicles can get through.

“This is happening with monotonous regularity and usually causes grief for other motorists who have to take diversions.

“That bridge has taken some battering over the years and lessons don’t seem to be being learnt.”

The bridge has become that much of a problem among locals, in fact, that there is even a Facebook page dedicated to shaming those who underestimate the size of their vehicle.

The description for the Box Vans vs Prescott St Bridge Facebook page simply reads: “A collection of photos of idiots who don’t know the height of the vehicle they’re driving”.

The page does exactly what it says on the tin; shares updates and photos whenever a van gets itself wedged under the bridge. 

Many members of the group can’t help but share their amusement whenever a van gets stuck, with one person saying of the most recent incident: “This has now become a standing joke in Wigan, it gets the same laugh as Asda flooding.”

Another noted sarcastically: “Can’t believe it doesn’t have a big yellow sign saying Low Bridge…”.

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