
DVD or Blu-Ray of legendary noughties film now worth a lot of money

Stock up on your all time favourites, they might be worth a fair bit in the future



Secret Cinema / Twentieth Century Fox & Kwilcox56 / Wikimedia

If you have the DVD or Blu-Ray of this legendary noughties horror film, you could sell it to make some good money.

It’s an incredibly popular British film and is often referred to in conversation, especially when talking about pandemics.

But in some countries, you can’t stream it on any platform or even buy it on discs as it is out of production, which has made the DVD and Blu-Ray versions worth a bit of money.

Secret Cinema / Twentieth Century Fox

Danny Boyle’s classic 28 Days Later is the 2002 zombie apocalypse about four weeks after an incurable virus spread across the UK, starring Cillian Murphy, and is one tense and thrilling film. But if you look to watch it somewhere online, you’ll likely find nothing but deserted streets – just like the movie.

You won’t find it on Netflix, but you might come across a version on YouTube, though it will likely be a grainy and low quality one – not the best way to watch such a great cult classic. 

Horror fans are left waiting for Film 4 to perhaps air the movie around Halloween, but that’s not guaranteed and understandably they’re getting a bit peeved that this classic is becoming more difficult to watch.

Kwilcox56 / Wikimedia

Instead, you’ll have to scour the internet for used DVDs on eBay or Amazon where you’ll probably have to fork out around £40 or £50 for it. Otherwise, you can visit second hand shops and sift through hundreds of Blu-Ray copies.

TikTokers are taking to the platform to share their irritation and amazement that 28 Days later isn’t available to stream.

@Unkn0wns0ldier11 has posted a video to urge people to buy the films they love in physical form and to not just rely on them being available on streaming sites. 

He says it has now affected the price of what sellers of DVDs and Blu-Rays are charging for the film, as it has become in higher demand, and shows the prices going up and up in his clip.

@Unkn0wns0ldier11 / TikTok

As examples pop up on the screen, he shows that one seller in the US was able to sell their copy for $110, that’s around £86.

He warns people that movies will stop being made on discs soon and that physical copies will soon become the next collectables.

If there’s anything to take from this, it is that sometimes, an old fashioned physical collection of your favourite films and music is worth keeping – to guarantee you can avoid disappointment on streaming platforms.

Besides, it’s become cool to own a DVD collection now, a bit like music lovers owning a vinyl record collection, as it’s retro and makes you look like you’re an avid film buff. 

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