
Find out if your local McDonald’s ice cream machine is working with this handy website

It’s the website we never knew we needed…



@mcdonaldsuk / Instagram & Crusier / Wikimedia Commons

While McDonald’s stands as one of the most beloved takeaway chains in the world, its UK restaurants admittedly have an issue with the functionality of their ice cream machines.

The machines, responsible for the chain’s beloved McFlurrys, have become somewhat of a cultural phenomenon thanks to their unreliability, with customers never knowing if they’ll be able to get their frozen fix.

But now, there is a solution to the problem. is putting everyone’s ice cream woes to bed by allowing customers to see if the machine at their local McDonald’s is working before they arrive.

The site was designed by engineer Rashiq Zahid, who had evidently grown tired of being left ice cream-less after his McDonald’s visits. 

The website determines whether a restaurant’s ice cream machine is broken by ordering a Sundae or McFlurry online every thirty minutes.

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If the machine is broken, the website then changes the colour of the dot based on whether it’s marked as available (green) or unavailable (red).

Amazingly, the website also shows the availability of ice cream in McDonald’s restaurants all over the globe, including the U.S (where Zahid is from), Canada and Germany.

Zahid previously told The Verge on his invention: “I just made it for fun… but people were like, ‘wow, this is the best thing I’ve seen this entire week.’

“I love poking around in different apps and just looking at the security features and the internal APIs. I am pretty familiar with how to reverse-engineer apps. I was like ‘Okay, this should be pretty easy.'”

Even McDonald’s seems to be a fan of the website, with David Tovar, McDonald’s VP of US Communications, once tweeting: “Only a true @McDonalds fan would go to these lengths to help customers get our delicious ice cream!”

See if the ice cream machine in your local McDonald’s is working here.


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