A pesky flying bug is invading peoples’ homes and reportedly ‘whacking’ them in the face.
Families across the country have been reporting large flying creepy-crawlies called cockchafers entering their home.
The annual invasion of the giant flying beetles has begun and according to reports they are ‘everywhere’.
The bugs emerge every year and can be seen flying around homes while they are in season — which lasts six to eight weeks before they die.
The insects, which grow to more than an inch long, live underground for three to four years as larvae as they feed on grass roots. Once they are full-grown adults they emerge as to make a loud whirring sound while in flight.
People have taken to Twitter in the past week to report the giant flying beetles in their homes.
The beetles, which are attracted to light, are a known garden pest — chomping on grass roots and leaving brown patches in gardens in their larvae stage — but are actually harmless to humans.
Clark Davis, of St Albans, Herts, said: “It sounded like a bloody helicopter, but upon closer inspection was this weird-looking bug which I since found out is called a – wait for it – cockchafer.
“What an odd world we live in.”
Gaia Sophia said one of the bugs whacked her in the face, adding: “When a cockchafer hits you in the face you know about it.”
ErikTat wrote: “Sitting down to watch TV and this giant bug hits me in the face, and then hits me in the face again. This isn’t a tiny bug, it’s a massive cockchafer and it’s scary!”