
Huge illegal party at Manchester University student halls caught on video

Fines have been issued…



Bradshaw79 / Wikimedia

A huge illegal party at the University of Manchester’s student halls was caught on camera this week.

The large gathering of students was recorded on Snapchat, taking part in a big party just outside the Owens Park halls located in Fallowfield.

The incident, which took place late Thursday night and into Friday morning, was broken up by police and campus security.

Mikey / Flickr

Partygoers can be heard shouting and chanting loudly in one video, which was captioned with ‘Covid wah?’, while another clip shows people dancing to music from a sound system.

The University of Manchester has released a statement, with a spokesperson saying the uni ‘strongly condemns’ the students’ actions.

According to the university, students that were involved are having their details recorded, with some going through a disciplinary process, while others have already been issued fines by the police.

Vita Student / Flickr

A university spokesperson said: “We are aware of this party and our security services worked with Greater Manchester Police to shut it down.

“This behaviour is totally unacceptable and the University strongly condemns it. We have been clear and consistent with our messaging around student conduct and behaviour in halls and we will be working hard to identify those involved.

“Our students must respect social distancing rules and all other restrictions to keep themselves and others safe.

“If students do not comply, they will face disciplinary action from the University, which could lead to fines or expulsion, and we will not hesitate to involve the police if necessary.

“Some students have already been issued with fixed penalty notices by the police. Additional security officers have been deployed in Fallowfield and further reminders sent.

“Details of offending students are being recorded and a number of these will now go through our disciplinary process.”

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