
Man fed up with potholes fills them with Pot Noodles to get council’s attention

Just add boiling water!



Pot Noodle

A man who was fed up with the UK pothole problem has decided to start filling them with Pot Noodles.

Mark Morell, from Brackley, wanted to tackle the UK pothole issue so he decided to fill the dreaded ditches in the road with Pot Noodles. Also known as ‘Mr Pothole’, Morell wanted to highlight the ridiculousness of the problem in the hope that councils would notice and do something about it.

Now he’s teamed up with the Pot Noodle brand to urge the government to fix the state of the UK’s roads. In a tweet on his Twitter page, he put: “Since #NothingFillsAHoleLikePotNoodle, who better to team up with to highlight the ridiculous state of the UK’s roads than @potnoodle.

“Send us pictures of your worst, local potholes using the hashtag and tagging your local council!”

As reported in The Metro, it’s not the first time he has tried to come up with unusual ideas to catch the attention of the council to sort the issue. His previous ideas of floating rubber ducks and feeding potholes cake on their birthday were unsuccessful, forcing him to think up new measures.

He told The Metro: “Potholes drive road users potty and me more than most. The pothole crisis across the UK is an increasingly serious issue and something I have been campaigning on for more than 10 years.

“During this period I have had to use my noodle with stunts to highlight just how bad potholes are, from floating plastic ducks in water filled potholes, birthday cakes, fishing rods and model submarines.”

Experts say that ‘rapid freeze and thawing cycles’ have made situation affecting the UK’s roads much worse. And Morell is not the only one who has been coming up with wacky methods to get potholes fixed in their local area.

In Manchester ‘Wanksy’ became famous for spray painting penises around them — which proved to be pretty effective — with council workers taking swift action to remove the profanity from the street.

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