
People are only just realising what the yellow ‘H’ signs on lamp posts are for

So THAT’S what they do…



@southyorkshirefire / TikTok

People are only just learning what the yellow ‘H’ signs on lamp posts are for, and their minds are blown. 

The meaning behind the yellow square signs, usually found attached to lamp posts and other objects in public spaces, is one of life’s greater mysteries, with people rarely being able to explain their purpose.

But last week, South Yorkshire’s Fire and Rescue Service took to TikTok to explain what the ominous yellow signs actually mean and put the mystery surrounding them to bed.

South Yorkshire Fire Service

On a clip showing one of the signs attached to a lamp post, they wrote: “POV: You’ve walked past these small yellow signs your whole life.

“But it was today you realised, finally, after all these years, they are there to tell firefighters where the hydrants are.”

So there you have it; they simply tell firefighters were the hydrants are in the event of emergencies. 

TikTok users were quick to express their shock over the revelation, with many admitting they believed the signs to signify helicopter landing pads. 

One social media user commented with a crying face emoji: “I used to think it was H for helicopter landing”.

Another quipped: “I thought they would lead me to Harry Styles”, to which the South Yorkshire Fire Service replied: “If only”.

And another person admitted the H signs weren’t the only fire safety knowledge they lacked, writing: “I only learned the other week that they don’t carry *all of the water* on the trucks – so I’m doomed”.

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