
People called Tracey and Colin are the bigger moaners, research finds

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The name Karen has become synonymous with people complaining, moaning and generally wanting to speak to the manager at every opportunity.

And while entitled people who love a bit of a public whinge are now branded ‘Karens’, it turns out people with that name aren’t actually the most likely to complain.

Psydro, the world’s first social review platform, analysed negative review data from the past 18 months to work out which names leave the most negative reviews across the UK, and where they live.

Craig Loftus / Flickr

Looking at internal and external data research, the brand worked out where people leaving one or two star reviews were from.

They discovered that Nottinghamshire is home to the most complainers, followed by South Yorkshire, while our very own Greater Manchester came in at 7th – we do love a good whinge round ‘ere.

Psydro also found the top ten male and female names when it comes to leaving negative reviews, and Tracey and Colin take the top spots.

Other top female whingers include Sue/Suzanne, Vicky, Wendy and Caroline, while for the men Colin is joined by Greg, John/Jon, Ian and Martin.


Tony Ward, founder of Psydro, said: “We might be being a little bit tongue-in-cheek here but at Psydro, we’re committed to ensuring that the customer has access to the most transparent, honest and helpful reviews.

“So despite the negative connotations of being a complainer, a bit of a thank you does need to go out to every Tracey and Colin, for making other customers aware of potential issues with a product or service so they can spend wisely.”

The top 10 feminine names which are most likely to complain in Britain:

  1. Tracey
  2. Sue/Suzanne
  3. Vicky
  4. Wendy
  5. Caroline
  6. Jan
  7. Abbie/Abigail
  8. Sharon
  9. Julie
  10. Jackie/Jacqueline

The top 10 masculine names which are most likely to complain in Britain:

  1. Colin
  2. Greg
  3. John/Jon
  4. Ian
  5. Martin
  6. David/Dave
  7. Paul
  8. Arron/Aaron
  9. James
  10. Mark

The 15 counties that are home to the most complainers in Britain:

  1. Nottinghamshire
  2. South Yorkshire
  3. Surrey
  4. Greater London
  5. Bristol
  6. Hertfordshire
  7. Greater Manchester
  8. Kent
  9. Northumbria
  10. Oxfordshire
  11. Herefordshire
  12. Gloucestershire
  13. Buckinghamshire
  14. Hampshire
  15. Lancashire

You can find more info on the Psydro website here.

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