
Slow driver spotted with hilarious apology note in rear window

The driver had a valid reason for driving so slow, to be fair



@yazclarke / TikTok

A driver has been spotted with an hilarious apology note to other motorists explaining why they were driving so slowly.

The apology note was typed onto a sheet of A4 and ironically stuck in the back of the Nissan Note, reading: “Sorry!!! Nine points on licence.”

One passenger of a vehicle driving behind the car, having plenty of time to read the message, couldn’t stop laughing at the note.

Tiktoker @yazclarke spotted the note and posted it to the social media site, which has since gone viral.

@yazclarke / TikTok

However, according to the Highway Code, the driver could potentially be in more trouble.

The Highway Code says: “windscreens and windows must be kept clean and free from obstructions to vision.”

If you have nine points already on your licence, you can’t afford to get any more.

If you get 12 points on your licence within three years then drivers will receive a 12-month ban or a two-year ban if you manage a third.

The TikTok video has had 4.7 million views on TikTok and 220,300 likes.

Social media users rushed to the comments to join in on the banter as one person said: “If I worked for the DVLA I’d take 6 off purely for the bants.”

Another managed to type through laughing so hard: “No stop this has me in tears it’s so funny.”

A third pointed out: “More points for illegally blocking his rear view window.”

And a fourth liked the idea and thought they could try it out themselves as they wrote: “I might just use this even tho I have 0 points so sick of tail gaters in London!”

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