
Teenage boy caught driving Audi by GMP claims he’s a 43-year-old man

‘Nope not falling for that one’



@gmptraffic / Twitter

Police pulled over a teenage driver earlier today, who had an interesting excuse for them.

The 17-year-old boy was caught illegally driving an Audi, and offered officers a pretty wild explanation.

GMP’s traffic division pulled the Audi A4 over in Stockport town centre this morning.

The 17-year-old driver proceeded to tell the police that he was, in fact, a 43-year-old man.

Unfortunately for him, officers didn’t fall for his story and asked him for his real details.

According to police, the boy will now be reported.

GMP Traffic tweeted a picture of the Audi, writing: “Stopped above the M60 motorway in Stockport by

“Driver who was 17 tried to claim he was actually 43 years old.

“Nope not falling for that one, true details passed and he will be reported. Vehicle seized”.

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