
Thousands of spiders set to invade Greater Manchester homes as mating season begins

It’s that time of the year again…



@Conall / Flickr

Arachnophobes are in for a sorry old time as thousands of spiders are set to invade homes across Greater Manchester. 

The arrival of September has long being known as the beginning of the dreaded ‘spider season’, which sees thousands of the creepy crawlies find solace from the cooler temperatures in our homes.

But this year, the season has arrived a little earlier than usual thanks to the recent heatwaves driving them out of usual hiding places and into houses.

This also means mating could begin a bit earlier this year, which will result in an influx of eight-legged lodgers in homes across the region.

Tone Killick / Flickr

With mating season in full swing, spiders will start cropping up in houses in October.

Female spiders tend to stay put hidden in our houses all year round, while males are constantly on the move, meaning they will only come into your home to find a mate.

After mating, the female will lay her eggs while the male will die.

Expert Richard Jones had previously told the BBC: “The spiders we see scuttling around in the house, they’re usually the male house spiders. The ones you see running across the carpet in front of you freaking you out, most often it’ll be a male out on some sort of amorous pursuit.

“I think even the cleanest, smallest house will have a good twenty to forty spiders. Old Victorian houses like mine – with lots of little cracks and crevices and places for things to get in – I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we’re well into four figures.”

@MichelaArfanotti / Wikimedia Commons

But fear not, because if you don’t fancy having an abundance of randy spiders mating and laying their eggs all over the joint, there are a few little tricks that could keep the creepy-crawlies out.

For example…

Allow your home to bask in natural light.

Spiders thrive in dark environments – hence why you often find them lurking in the shadows – so try and have your curtains and blinds open throughout the day.

Avoid clutter.

Spiders prefer damp, dark and cluttered spaces, so the less mess in your home, the less space there will be for creepy crawlies to set up shop. Make sure you vacuum and dust regularly, and store things away in plastic-lid boxes rather than cardboard to prevent spiders gaining access.

Use essential oils.

Spiders ‘smell’ with their legs, so strong scents will deter them from leaving their nooks and crannies. Tea tree, rose, cinnamon, citrus, peppermint, lavender and eucalyptus are good oils to try. Though make sure you spray corners, window sills and skirting boards and top up regularly.

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