
Top ten butties in the UK revealed with some surprise entries

It beat some tough competition…



Tastemade UK & Natasha's Kitchen

The humble cheese toastie has been crowned as the UK’s favourite sandwich, knocking the long-beloved bacon butty from the number one spot.

The countrywide study, conducted by online food ordering app Foodhub, delved into the sandwich preferences of 2,000 participants, who were each asked to pick their favourite butty variation.

With the cheese toastie reigning supreme this year, the classic bacon butty was knocked from last year’s number one spot, with it now ranking in second place. In third place was the regular cheese sandwich, while other classics such as the retro prawn mayonnaise and egg mayonnaise followed.

Alpha / Flickr

And when it came to complementing the humble sandwich, one in five of those surveyed named mayonnaise as their favourite condiment. This was followed by butter (16%), ketchup (14%), hot sauce (11%) and salad cream (10%).

There was also a huge generational divide on what type of bread is preferred for sandwiches, with those over the age of sixty-five tending to opt for wholemeal, and those aged between twenty-five and thirty-four picking sourdough (obviously). Additionally, the survey quizzed participants on what they believe a circular piece of bread to be called, with 31% naming it a bread roll, 11% calling it a bread cake and 10% christening it a bun. Hillshire Farm / Unsplash Emma Stockman, spokesperson for Foodhub, said: “Britain is a nation of sandwich lovers.

“Last year there was no surprise to see bacon named our favourite sandwich filling, however, we were shocked to see cheese toastie has topped the charts this time. “Our study also saw hamburger (5%) finish within the top ten, reigniting the debate of whether a burger can be classed as a sandwich or not.”

The UK’s top 10 favourite sandwiches:

  • Cheese toastie (8%).
  • Bacon butty (7%).
  • Cheese sandwich (6%).
  • Sausage butty (5%).
  • Prawn mayo (5%).
  • Egg mayo (5%).
  • Hamburger (5%).
  • Roast beef sandwich (4%).
  • Turkey sandwich (4%).
  • Tuna sandwich (4%).

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