
Warning over ‘Dracula’ horseflies that can ‘bite through clothes and tear flesh apart’

‘They can persistently chase you at a flying speed of around 15mph…It has mandibles that can rip and tear flesh apart’



Judy Gallagher / Flickr

People across the country have been warned of ‘Dracula’ horseflies that can ‘bite through clothes’ and ‘rip and tear flesh apart’.

The current weather conditions of scorching hot sunny days combined with the odd torrential downpours and thunderstorms have meant a new flying menace has thrived. 

Swarms of fanged horseflies have been reported across the country and what’s worse, the little terrors are seemingly immune to insect repellent. 

The combination of hot weather, humidity and heavy spells of rain have meant these silent bloodsuckers have been reproducing in record numbers.

Thomas Shahan / Wikimedia

The fangs of the bloodthirsty insect can leave people with nasty skin infections including cellulitis — which can be incredibly painful and requires hospital treatment.

The horseflies’ bite can also leave victims with painful blisters and even send them into anaphylactic shock.

Sunbathers, festival goers and hot tub bathers are at particular risk or receiving a nasty bite from the pests.

Victims of the dreadful bite have spoken of their nasty experiences online.

Bernard DUPONT / Wikimedia

Alice Duvall said: “Was in my mum’s garden yesterday and this horrible thing landed on my arm and the bite was excruciating.

“Left a huge red blotch which began swelling straight away. It was a horse fly – there are loads of them all of a sudden in this weather.

“They’re really sneaky too – I never felt it land on me, I only knew when it bit me. It didn’t buzz or anything, like a wasp or bee would.”

Citron / Wikimedia

Another victim wrote: “I’m destroyed with horsefly bites. One got infected. Horrific”, while another moaned: “Camped this weekend – ended up with 12 horsefly bites.”

If a person is bitten by one and goes into anaphylactic shock they will require immediate emergency medical assistance and require an epipen. Symptoms of this include swelling of the throat which can obstruct the airway making it difficult to breathe.

The British Pest Control Association has put the horsefly on its top ‘Bites to Avoid’ list – along with those from the black widow spider and mosquitoes.

It warns: “Literally designed to eat a horse, their bite is both impressive and painful. The horsefly is a sanguivorous insect and therefore wants to bite you.

Emphyrio / Pixabay

“They can persistently chase you at a flying speed of around 15mph, and it’ll bite right through clothes. It has mandibles that can rip and tear flesh apart.”

The BPCA advises removing standing water close to homes such as paddling pools and hot tubs, to help fend off horseflies. Pest management solutions company Sentomol warns: “Its bite is considered more immediately painful than that of a mosquito.”

According to the NHS website, horsefly bites can be ‘very painful and leave the bitten area of skin red and raised’. Symptoms include a rash, dizziness, weakness and wheezing.

Chris Downer / Wikimedia

Bite victims are advised to dab bitten area with antiseptic and cover the wound with an ice pack to avoid infection and swelling.

The NHS website adds: “Bites can take a while to heal and can become infected. See your GP if you have symptoms of an infection, such as pus or increasing pain, redness and swelling.”

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