
Woman says Lake District mountain is ‘too high’ in brutal 1-star TripAdvisor review

Who knows what they expected to find at the summit of one of England’s highest mountains…



Andrew's Walks & Steve Cadman / Flickr

While millions of people explore the Lake District’s beautiful scenery and landscapes each year, it seems not everyone is too impressed with what it has to offer.

One woman recently left a brutally honest review from her hike up Skiddaw, one of the beauty spot’s most popular mountains.

Standing at 931 meters, Skiddaw is the third highest peak in England and is visually the ‘perfect mountain’, with it being surrounded by flat valleys which isolate it from other Lakeland fells. At the summit, it boasts gorgeous panoramic views, with the Lake District National Park even saying they are ‘the best in the whole of the Lake District’.

Well, one hiker was clearly unimpressed by the unique review from Skiddaw’s summit, with her taking to TripAdvisor to leave a brutal review outlining everything that was wrong with it.

Wikimedia Commons

The reviewer, known only as Izzy L from London, compared Skiddaw to Snowdon in Wales, saying the summit is a ‘weak and poorly developed visitor attraction’.

She wrote: “Snowdon has a funicular railway to carry people to the summit. At Snowdon summit there is an excellent visitor centre with the full range of facilities – and the whole operation attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors per year.

“Ascending to the summit of Skiddaw is an exhausting experience on the basis that the only means to get up there is to walk. It is just too high and too steep for most people. How can the Lake District National Park people expect people to go up there?”

Izzy went on to warn people that there are no facilities at the summit, saying if they make it to the summit and then need to go to the toilet, then ‘that is just too bad!’.

Steve Cadman / Flickr

Her scathing review continued: “I visited the summit this last weekend and was very disappointed with the experience. There was sod all to see and do there. If people had to pay to go there then nobody, and I mean nobody, would bother with it.

“The National Park people should charge visitors £5 to go the summit and use the proceeds to develop it. Essentials include a proper visitor centre. Long to medium term, consideration should be given to building a funicular railway to Skiddaw summit.”

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Remarkably, there was one more one-star review for Skiddaw, with a man named BobScarlett taking on a similar stance and complaining about the lack of ‘things to do’ at the summit.

A disgruntled Bob, who had clearly chosen to hike the mountain in the winter, wrote: “OK, I guess it is the third highest peak in England. But there isn’t a lot to do there.


“I was up there this weekend and the so called ‘summit shelter’ was full of snow. There was a gale force wind blowing and a fierce wind chill factor. Every surface was covered with a crust of ice.”

Offering a bit of customer feedback, he said: “What the summit needs is a café, visitor centre and toilet block. If these were installed then it would offer a much more satisfactory experience for visitors. ”

Though it is worth noting that, out of the 187 reviews for Skiddaw on TripAdvisor, only two are one star, with 131 considering the hiking experience to be ‘excellent’ and 46 to be ‘very good’.

Definitely worth the trip, just make sure you take a packed lunch and go to the toilet before you set off…

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